The Quest For ‘Cut Through’: Data is not enough.


Within our brilliant FMCG ecosystem, the relationship between retailers and suppliers is naturally pivotal. Here at Collective Stories, it is our absolute obsession, we spend an extraordinary amount of time discussing the term ‘Cut Through’. It’s also something we regularly discuss with our brilliant clients. Pleased to confirm that more than five years since Collective Stories was formed, we are really very good at it.

The quest for "cut-through" — the ability to get quickly and directly through or past something that blocks or slows one down (Source: Merriam-Webster) — is a critical objective for both retailers and suppliers. This term captures the essence of what many in the industry strive for: impactful communication and decisive action that drive results.

The Role of Insight and Category Management Teams

At the heart of this relationship are our Insight and Category Management teams. These teams are populated by wonderful and curious individuals who really love data, facts, figures, and stories. They are the unsung heroes who dive deep into the sea of information, emerging with fact-based stories and category wisdom that can shape strategies and drive growth.

However, despite their hard work and dedication, there is often a gap between the data presented and the action taken. This gap can sometimes lead to a sense of frustration, as the potential impact of their insights is not fully realized (again, at Collective Stories, we spend an awful lot of time, thinking about, investigating and building tools to close this gap).

Dynamism and Action, absolutely.

What’s sometimes missing is dynamism — the energy and force that translate insights into actions. I’m not talking about physical energy, no frantic gesturing, star jump or burpee will drive a retailer to action something that isn’t right for them or their shoppers.

 Energy in this context is the creation of a story so strategically aligned, credible and relevant that the retailer is engaged, and the benefit is clear. It’s not enough to have data; what’s crucial is the ability to turn that data into actionable strategies that produce tangible results. The most successful retailer-supplier partnerships are those where data and insights are not just shared but are actively leveraged to drive decision-making and foster innovation.

 As we move forward, let’s strive to empower these teams with the tools and support they need to turn insights into actions. Let’s foster an environment where their data-driven stories can inspire dynamic strategies and impactful results.

Data is the foundation, but action is the key! Insight and Category Management teams are our data heroes. To bridge the gap between insights and action, we have a range of Hybrid and Online workshops to suit your schedule and preferences.

Darren Hepworth

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