FMCG Category Management and the role of storytelling.

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FMCG Category Management and the role of storytelling.

As defined by the US based Category management Association. ‘Category Management is the primary platform from which CPG (consumer packaged goods) brand owners interact with retailers. Category Management provides the language, process framework, and metrics for communicating all strategic and tactical recommendations to the retailer’. 

Within this definition,  a multitude of similarities exists between category management and the art of storytelling. The first important link between FMCG category management and storytelling is the idea that Category Management is the primary platform whereby FMCG suppliers and retailers interact with each other. Those of you who work in FMCG know that the platform normally takes the form of presentations, meetings, follow up e mails and fingers crossed…execution of the proposed idea. Access to retailer time is limited and should be approached with focus. If you have an idea, a proposition, some category development you want to get off the ground, it is important to maximise every interaction by blending and delivering the right balance of classic category management and storytelling. 

As an FMCG category development consultancy, we always advise that the first step in transforming your FMCG category development idea into a story is being crystal clear about what you want to achieve.  Your ultimate objective may be a new listing? More space on shelf? More promo opportunities.

Think about what role your product should fulfil within the category? 

Once you have arrived at this you can create a transformational narrative based on several different factors including a call to adventure, multiple turning points and always ending with a call to action. We use many different category management and storytelling techniques. One size rarely fits all where the FMCG category development story is concerned. 

Think about the journey you would like to embark upon with your retail audience, how will you get them to care enough to act and ultimately adopt your idea. Taking your retail audience on the right journey with the right information may seem simple enough but as most retail buyers will confirm, we are still seeing suppliers who stuff everything possible into a PowerPoint deck with no clear ask or outcome except ‘list everything I have…please’. Traditional storytelling techniques and construction can take a cluttered, complicated or seemingly unachievable FMCG category development concept and transform it into a digestible, achievable and attractive proposition. 

The next step is to consider your audience, who are they, what is important to them, how much can they drive your idea forward.

In her book Resonate, Nancy Duarte talks about four different types of audience members who are capable of taking action. ‘Doers’ are workers bees who understand the job to be done, this will vary by retailer. ‘Suppliers’ are those who usually hold the resources needed to carry out the activity, they have what you need to get you there. ‘Influencers’ include people who can change perceptions and influence others to adopt your ideas. Finally, we have the ‘Innovators’ who typically generate ideas and usually think outside of the box. What does your retail audience look like, who do you need to connect with to drive your category development idea forward with pace? How can you shape your story so that it speaks directly to them? 

At Collective Stories, we are clear that working with an external FMCG Category Development Consultancy doesn’t always mean an entire reworking of your proposition. Collective Stories can take a story and totally or partially reframe it according to your needs. Our decades of retail and FMCG experience help us to spot barriers or potential dips in the audience’s interest along with identifying areas requiring further support. We work with FMCG suppliers to ensure that they use the right blend of traditional category management techniques and storytelling best practice. Our objective is always to work with our clients to elevate the outcome and make a difference to the end result.

Collective Stories is an FMCG Category Development Consultancy with a creative edge. As storytellers in the FMCG category development world, we are always clear that our stories are not fairy tales, they contain little whimsy or fantasy. We use data, insight and strategic thinking to create clear and targeted outcomes, and we make sure the story looks good with use of clear design principles. 

If you have an impending retailer interaction, Collective Stories can work with you to maximise all possible opportunities. Contact us today for a quick chat.

Darren Hepworth

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