Why Flagship Stores are Vital to FMCG Category Managers

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The definition of ‘Flagship’ according to Oxford languages is’ the ship in a fleet which carries the commanding admiral’. Alternatively, in the context of the Ikea Flagship store opening in the space once inhabited by the iconic Topshop brand (unconfirmed but heavy on the chatter) the following definition is most appropriate ‘the best or most important thing owned or produced by a particular organisation’. This isn’t the first move Ikea have made into different store formats but if it is indeed true, what a great way to showcase the brand and product. In store ordering of larger items could further blur the lines between offline and online.

In the pulsing, flexing and brilliant world of FMCG, Flagship stores are an opportunity to showcase, to test and learn, to generate noise. Category Managers need to be aware of these stores for many reasons but predominantly because they are often the living embodiment of the strategic intent of the retailer. Maybe this is the aforementioned Admiral? Feel free to advise.


A Collection of tiny stories is our mission here at Collective Stories Next week, Collective Stories will publish our first edition of Retail Stories, a collection of stories based around key activity in our industry. Everything we do within the world of category management is based on rich and interwoven strategic stories, we invite you to join us in our crusade to add colour and depth at every opportunity.

Darren Hepworth

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Retail Stories


FMCG Category Management and the role of storytelling.